Disaster Relief

ASLA provides special assistance during disasters, the type of which varies with the nature and extent of the disaster.

Disaster victims needing info on disaster assistance should visit: LADRC.org.


Cyclone Gita 2018:  Throughout its path in the South Pacific, Gita affected multiple island nations and territories. Tonga was the hardest-hit, with severe damage occurring on the islands of Tongatapu and Eua.  At least 171 homes were destroyed and more than 1,100 suffered damage. Violent winds destroyed homes and left the two islands largely without power. Torrential rains and damaging winds caused widespread disruptions in Samoa and American Samoa, prompting emergency declarations in both. Outlying islands were also significantly affected.

During this time ASLA joined with other legal organizations to  provide free legal and recovery assistance to people affected by the storm on this island and others by:

  • Appealing denials of FEMA applications
  •  Executing powers of attorney and affidavits necessary for FEMA/SBA benefits;
  • Replacement of important legal documents destroyed during the disaster;
  • Assistance with property insurance claims;
  • Counseling on mortgage-foreclosure problems; and
  • Counseling on landlord-tenant problems.

ASLA stands ready to provide free legal services to residents of American Samoa when the next great storm inflicts damage to our island and our neighbors.