Legal Forms You Can Download

Estate Planning

  • Will form A simple will form for small estates.    Click here to view or download form.

  • Advance Directive:    This form allows you to name someone to make health care decisions for you in advance.  You can (a) appoint someone to make health care decisions for you in the future should your health condition be such that you are unable to do so yourself, and (b) to state your wishes regarding life-sustaining treatment should you be in a terminal condition or in a persistent vegetative state.            Click here to view or download the form.

Court forms

These are forms created by the courts in American Samoa which can be used as needed.

  • Domestic and Family Violence forms:  These are the forms and instructions for filing a petition for a domestic violence civil protection order. If you need help with a civil protective order, you can contact American Samoa Legal Aid at 633-3300, or Jessica's Place at 633-2222  (across from the court house),   Click here to view or download the forms and instructions.
  • Small Claims form:  This form for representing yourself in District Court for a money issue involving $10,000 or less.   This form is for review purposes only.  The District Court has a three-part form you can obtain at the court which you must use because the form is multi-colored and makes carbonless copies.  Click here  to view or download the form.